Just a small one today. I've made no secret of my fawning admiration for the work of Neil Gaiman, and I've even reviewed the film adaptation of his book Coraline on this blog. I thought that today, on a slow news day, I'd do a quick update urging anyone who hasn't to see this film, and for those of you to have, to see this film again. It came out on DVD and Blue Ray on July 21st, and I just wanted to take this opportunity to urge as many people as possible to see this movie.
The DVD comes with four sets of 3D glasses so you, the home viewer, can take in all of the visual magic that Selsnick crams into his narrative. The film has has its scarier moments (the "Other Mother" is admitedly horrifying and evil), but overall the visuals and the story come across as stunning and adventurous, and Coraline is a hero that we can all relate to. If you didn't before, I highly recommend you take the opportunity to check Coraline out, and if you've seen the film, then, take it from someone who already has, it is definitely a worthy addition to the home library. Seriously, gentle reader, Coraline stands alone, not just as a great film adaptation of a great book, but as a great film.
I love the film in 3D, so I'm really exited that the DVD is coming with a set of 3D glasses.
I love both the film and the book!!!
Book is better than the movie. Isn't that always the case (exept for some movies like harry potter)
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